July 9, 2018 George Foster

Over-hyped prima-donna comes over here and steals OUR records: The story of the sub-13 BGR!

No, that's not Lingmoor behind him....

Ahhh the power of the ‘headline’. One for all you dickhead Daily Mail readers to relate to. Bet you were dragged over here looking for another rant and subsequent “I’ll let you know” backlash rant of your own huh? Guess again sucker. This bitch is positive.

Yesterday I got to see the current legends of mountain and fell running (a lot of them anyway) doing something that we probably won’t see again in my generation or lifetime. The accolade belongs to one man, Kilian Jornet. The record, which stood for 36 years (King Billy Bland, 13hrs 53mins, circa 1982), was bettered by just over an hour (yup, a frickin’ HOUR) by none other than the Catalan machine (oh yeah and I called it a while back….no big deal). That’s pretty darned impressive.

No, that’s not Lingmoor behind him….

I was torn over this when I first heard he was in town in Wednesday. This is, after all, a man who is a professional athlete with the backing of an international, multi-million pound company behind him. Everything he touches turns to gold. The record he was led to compete against was held by a local drystone waller who ran in his spare time. The definition of amateur. This is/was an amateur record.

Folk are going off their tits for this. Not least Ian Corless/TalkUltra. His gushing is frankly embarrassing but could we expect any less of the ultimate KJ fanboy?! (While we’re here, I don’t think you understand what a carabiner is mate…….i.e. describing someone as a ‘human carabiner’ makes no logical sense). However with Kilian, the hype is real. When I saw him come into Keswick, getting out-sprinted to the hall by Carl, he looked royally done-in. He earned that run and did so with humility and dignity. I remember just burying my head in some fish and chips before sloping off for a pint somewhere on my one, he nipped home for a shower and came back out to spend some time with the folk who’d stayed to watch him come in. Chapeau.


I read an interesting article/splurge somewhere just before the new record that described him as the perfect ambassador to the sport.

Slowest 100m of his life

Spot on.

He is.

For the global reach that trail/mountain running has, what he has achieved, in the manner in which he has achieved it, is astounding. Absolutely astounding. He represents a new era of mountain athlete. We should feel privileged that it has taken the greatest all-round runner that the sport has ever known to come over here and attempt, then break, the record. It also serves to highlight that Billy’s record was fucking incredible. Similarly it begs the question….what have WE got? There’s maybe two or three British fell-runners who, on their day, could have beaten the ‘old’ record, but the ‘new’ one?? Hmmm. Maybe not?

I hope I’m wrong, I usually am.




NB: Sorry I can’t resist……Ian Corless – “Kilian undertook this FKT attempt in the true spirit of the ‘Bob,’ it was low-key, without grandeur, without PR, without announcement, without film crews or photographers….” I see your shite and raise you: Summit Fever Media Facebook post – “After a week of planning, recces, and a bit more planning, working for Lymbus as part of Kilian Jornet‘s Bob Graham attempt. Here’s a few behind the scenes phone images & screen grabs from our time pre, during and post attempt. A privilege to be part of the hill film, photography & support team with Racing Snakes, Land & Sky Media, JHPVisualsDan ArmstrongJames KenyonOpen Tracking, Martin Stone, & Shane Ohly. Official photos from Racing Snakes will be released soon and UK based PR company Fusion will be producing the edit – which we can’t wait to see!”

I’ll just leave that there…….

NB (again): I don’t know why the ‘attack’ on Ian, I’ve never met him, he’s done some good photo stuff, it’s just things like that above wind me up. Sorry man, it’s no immediate reflection on you as a person, you may be super sound. If so, whoopsies!

UPDATE: I feel like there’s a few issues that have come from this that need addressing as a) they have, in my eyes, been taken completely out of context/misconstrued (let’s go 50/50 on the blame for that shall we?!?) and b) they’re getting me down. Firstly…..allusions to cyber bullying. SERIOUSLY?! The only thing I said against someone on a personal level was to take the piss out of their perceived (from where I’m standing) faux-fawning over some bloke that can run super-duper fast. Let’s get some perspective here, please? He’s JUST a runner, albeit a fucking good one! Secondly…..I stand by my opinion that describing someone as a ‘human carabiner’ IS illogical and by extension ridiculous. It displays a lack of understanding for what a carabiner is. Thirdly…..to say that there was no fanfare/media coverage is a total fabrication; who was sending ‘live’ (or near as damnit) tweets and progress reports? Why was there a camera ‘crew’ following the day with drones overhead? That’s media is it not?? Finally…..thanks for all of your comments. It’s obviously nice to get ‘nice’ ones but also helps to get the critical ones. I mean no permanent disrespect. Like I said with regards to Mr Corless, he’s probably a sound guy. The only ‘attack’ on him was the ribbing about his embarrassing gushing. If that offends you, well, it offends you. There’s lots of things that offend me too, but it’s my problem for getting offended, no-one elses. Happy trails everyone. Please don’t beat me up next time you see me, I bruise like a peach.

Comments (13)

  1. Britta

    It was great to see Kilian doing the Round with local support and relatively low key, at least to start with – i often think the circus that follows him is not entirely his creation. I found the public orgasm over it from a certain someone (who wasn’t there, but made it his story to tell) highly unsetting too. Fantastic achievement from Kilian and amazing show from the fellrunning community, where what brand of shoe you wear matters less than what you are!

  2. Peter Reilly

    Your style of writing made me laugh (as in humourous)…however, I am not a fan of the attack on Ian Corless. I do not know Ian, if you were a good friend of Kilian I am sure you would write with an extra level of enthusiasm and pride.

  3. Hey Peter, I tried to justify the ‘attack’ on Ian. Thanks for your support for my writing style, I try to be tongue-in-cheek but also say it how I see it. For me, it was cringey and has been alluded to ‘made it his story to tell’, which doesn’t sit right with me. I definitely respect your opinion though. Happy trails. Cheers again.

  4. Rob Mortimore

    Personally I love the support he got from the community and he seems a very humble guy and would to meet him. Maybe carl or Ricky can have a crack at beating this time now?!

  5. A friend

    Loved the comments about Mr clueless and I couldn’t agree more about them. He’s not even a friend of Jornet’s , he’s a photographer who makes money from drooling over the Catalan. Personally can’t stand the guy but he could be a sound bloke. Oh well. Bravo Kilian , Bravo!

  6. Sam

    Good write up George. I’m sure Ian Coreless is a nice guy, but I too find his writing somewhat sycophantic (endless positive reviews of expensive shoes are a little tedious too). I do not subscribe to mindless adoration; Killian’s achievements speak for them self. A fantastic achievement by KJ & support on the Hill is testament to both the great community & calibre of runners at the top end of our sport who went out on the hill with him, without looking for their own glory. Still, is it really a record if he didn’t do it in Walshes laced with baling twine? [ahem…]

  7. Ian b

    Sorry… I don’t get it myself. Your either a fan or not? Ian is obviously and good luck to him.

  8. Sue

    As per your own words- You don’t know why the attack on a man you have never met. Yet you went on to berate him. There’s very fine line between freedom of speech and hate speech/ cyber bullying.

  9. Ian – Apologies that it isn’t clear. Of course I’m a fan, I simply found the fawning very cringey. Like I tried to get across, that’s not how I respond to such awesome displays, but that is obviously how others do. As you say ‘good luck’ to those who do.

    Sue – Wow. Cyber bullying is/was never, ever the intention. If it comes across than more than a little tongue in cheek then I’ve obviously not done right, crossed that fine line that you’re alluding to and no offence was meant. I feel like I simply pointed out lazy ‘journalism’.

  10. Martin L

    What a fantastic write up and wonderful observations on ALL counts. I have no idea how I go about following your future blogs… but I think you have given me a reason to become slightly more savvy on these computer things.

  11. Thanks Martin, that’s very kind. There’s a ‘subscribe’ via email option on the right of the page if you scroll down beneath the ‘VO2max coaching’ icon…

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