Chasing Giants – unedited

This year I achieved a fell running dream, to have an article published in The Fellrunner. I ramble a bit, as you may have noticed, and so the article in question was edited a touch as it took up too…
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Spring/Summer 2019

I’ve finished the formal part of my teacher training. One year as an ‘NQT’ (Newly Qualified Teacher) means that I will then be ‘fully’ fully qualified. That’s all I’ve really got to say on that. Running has been going alright.…
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Vests in the breeze

DPFR avec P&B forming a lovely sandwich with an Ilkley filling
A recent post on my Instagram feed got me thinking (I am, shamelessly, my own best muse at times) about the importance that I seem to place on ‘belonging’. The more I’ve thought of it, the more it seems to…
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Occam’s Razor

Occam’s Razor: (Latin – lex parsimoniae “law of parsimony”) a scientific and philosophical rule that states that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex. Gee, thanks for that…….got to ask though, WTF?? Settle petal, and let…
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Longhaul Endurance

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. There’s actual food out there, actual, real food that you can use to fuel yourself for long runs. Sack off your SiS and Gu rubbish, get on board with this other…
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Over-hyped prima-donna comes over here and steals OUR records: The story of the sub-13 BGR!

No, that's not Lingmoor behind him....
Ahhh the power of the ‘headline’. One for all you dickhead Daily Mail readers to relate to. Bet you were dragged over here looking for another rant and subsequent “I’ll let you know” backlash rant of your own huh? Guess…
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The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Had an interesting conversation today. I’ll tell you aaalllllllll about it. By way of an introduction, we’ve already talked about the role of ‘fad’ foods via this forum. Not really touched on kit and the like though. That is, until…
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Spring has sprung: A round-up

Seeing as no-one actually asked me what I’ve been up to this past few months, I thought I’d volunteer the information to save your shyness. Training has been pretty consistent save for a niggle here and an illness there. I’ve…
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Mountain Fuel Xtreme Energy Fuel Raw

Phew that’s a pseudo-Euro-syntactical mouthful eh? Luckily I was able to read that title aloud with aplomb thanks to the lubricating effects of a slurp from my own batch of Xtreme Energy Fuel Raw. How convenient. I should say that…
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Realities: The Man with the Hammer

Wait.......MC?! Is
This is a slightly multi-faceted post. I have, like pushing mincemeat through a keyhole, hopefully, managed to link the eponymous ‘Man avec Hammer’ with both hard training and the unintended consequences of ‘hard training’. We’ll see how it reads…… Sure…
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