Chasing Giants – unedited

This year I achieved a fell running dream, to have an article published in The Fellrunner. I ramble a bit, as you may have noticed, and so the article in question was edited a touch as it took up too…
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The US Diaries: Part One

NB: This first part is written after the fact but I’m going to try to write it in the first/second person as if each day has only just happened. Go with it. Part 2 (Montana) will be written each day…
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Spring/Summer 2019

I’ve finished the formal part of my teacher training. One year as an ‘NQT’ (Newly Qualified Teacher) means that I will then be ‘fully’ fully qualified. That’s all I’ve really got to say on that. Running has been going alright.…
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Vests in the breeze

DPFR avec P&B forming a lovely sandwich with an Ilkley filling
A recent post on my Instagram feed got me thinking (I am, shamelessly, my own best muse at times) about the importance that I seem to place on ‘belonging’. The more I’ve thought of it, the more it seems to…
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Occam’s Razor

Occam’s Razor: (Latin – lex parsimoniae “law of parsimony”) a scientific and philosophical rule that states that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex. Gee, thanks for that…….got to ask though, WTF?? Settle petal, and let…
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Seal Cub Clubbing Club

Who's who......fellrunners are a stylish lot.
What’s with all these clubs huh?! What even is a club?? Fell-running’s got its fair share right? What are they? Where are they? And are they any good? Who’s the best? Who’s the worst? Who even cares?!………….me. I do. So,…
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To be, or not to be….coached

……….is the WORST title I have ever produced for anything. Ever. Gooooooo me. It’s so bad it’s good, right?? Nah. Shit. I can’t stop looking at it. Ha. Ahhhhhhh. Shite. Only I can change it too. And I choose not…
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Summer: Twenty-seventeen

Aside from a couple of anomalies my fell season has been just shy of 10 days long. Frustrating? Yes. Surprising? Not so much. Injury and ‘life’ have both got in the way. Mainly the ‘life’ side of things. I had…
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Well that was shit. Had a meeting, no coffee, with the Man with the Hammer. Disaster – noun – a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship…. Sums up my day fairly…
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Racing Calendar 2017

Ok so just a super quick heads-up on what I’ve got myself signed up for this coming year (injury/money/life permitting)….. Coledale Horseshoe – April Lairig Ghru – June Welsh 1000m – June Gross Glockner Berglauf (Austria) – July Dolomites VK…
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