Fellrunning: A Punter’s Guide No. 4 – Carnethy 5

No getting in Fin's way!
Right, you’ve read the shite about the relays but that’s not gonna be a flash in the pan. Oh no. There’s going to be a heck of a lot to get through this year, it’s only January after all and…
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Fellrunning: A Punter’s Guide No. 3 – Devil’s Burdens Relay

Ohhhh fuck.....here....they....come!!
Hello! It’s 2015, shit’s been happening already and if you’re not careful you’re gonna miss it! Here in north Britain there’s been coming on 5 fell races and it’s only day four of the month! How does that maths work…
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Jet Lag

Harry bloody Wong....sit down Bruce Lee, sit down
So…….jet lag sucks. My body is seeing me off massively. It’s trying to tell me it’s 11am and to ‘stop being a lazy shit’. In reality it’s 3am and by accepted social norms I’m not classified as an effective human…
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Fellrunning: A Punter’s Guide No. 1 – Langdale Horseshoe

Ambleside's finest...him wit crazy name
The first in a new series of posts where I look at various races around the fell running calendar, make up spurious and illogical data, which I then present as historical fact, in order to support outlandish conclusions and finally…
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Injury arghhhhhhhh

And August had started so well too! I passed the last hurdle in my Army selection, the four-day Army Officer Selection Board, at the end of July. To celebrate i fell off my bike and separated my shoulder. Prognosis –…
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The India Diaries: Stok Kangri

As i was saying, before being rudely interrupted by an internet disruption caused by an interruption in the power supply to this house…….hold on, i’ve lost where i was. Sorry for the unnecessary interruptions. Stok Kangri, all 6,137m of it – or…
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