Time to Train

To those of you who whinge and moan about not having anywhere to train or no time to train I say NAY. Nay to your attitude. You suck. Boo to you. Allow me to hold myself up as the antidote…
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To be, or not to be….coached

……….is the WORST title I have ever produced for anything. Ever. Gooooooo me. It’s so bad it’s good, right?? Nah. Shit. I can’t stop looking at it. Ha. Ahhhhhhh. Shite. Only I can change it too. And I choose not…
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Summer: Twenty-seventeen

Aside from a couple of anomalies my fell season has been just shy of 10 days long. Frustrating? Yes. Surprising? Not so much. Injury and ‘life’ have both got in the way. Mainly the ‘life’ side of things. I had…
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Well that was shit. Had a meeting, no coffee, with the Man with the Hammer. Disaster – noun – a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship…. Sums up my day fairly…
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UPDATE: Racing Calender 2017

So, life happens. My mega, awesome racing schedule for this year has gone up in smoke due to my shite job. Adapt (to their fuck about) and overcome (their bullying whims) as my work is wont to say. As such…
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Mountain Fuel

I’m almost 100% sure that if you’ve found yourself reading this then you’ll have, in the same measure, heard of Mountain Fuel. If not…where have you been?!? They have taken the ultra/endurance/mountain (clue’s in the name, dumbo) community by storm…
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Seasons: Autumn into Winter

Things went quiet after the Bobby G. I’d torn my shin muscle at some point on the first ‘leg’ and the continued running over the subsequent four ‘legs’ made for a fairly long period of rehabilitation. I managed to get…
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The Bob Graham Round: The Sum Of Your Parts…..Part Two

So to the crux of the matter I suppose. Everything was in place and good to go. Had a last minute drop-out from a pacer on Leg 2 but I wasn’t mega phased as Ben is pretty handy at this…
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The Bob Graham Round: The Sum Of Your Parts…..Part One

On Saturday 23rd July at 1am I set off on a series of 5 short runs around the Lakes that I linked together into what is known as the ‘Bob Graham Round’…….BGR for short – you may have already read…
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