Seasons: Spring….and a bit

Spring has come and gone (apparently) and here in the draughty corridors of Fellicionado Hall we’re having a clear out of some of the old memories from those halcyon days before the rains hit and brought with them, what we…
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Training: Psychology

Me and Rupert at Fitz Park (artist's impression)
I’m what I would call a realist. Others would take a look at that realism and in turn refer to me as a pessimist. This to me is ironically funny as that opinion in itself appears to be a pessimistic…
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Anatomy of a Hawk

Scottish National XC 2014....also muddy
My time in Scotland is drawing inexorably to a close and with it my membership of, without a doubt (and sorry Ambleside – you’ll understand), the best running club I have ever been a part of. Those that know me…
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Ride like lightning, crash like thunder……..

......crash like thunder.
You can always rely on those fellas from over the water for a good quote. Found this absolute beauty just now, totally by accident I must add, whilst looking for some Andy Hampsten soundbites. Thought it good to share; the…
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The Fellicionado ‘Wordsmith’ Awards 2015

We can’t move for books here in Fellicionado Heights. The wife’s doing her nut and wants them gone. I steadfastly refuse and so until she comes round to my way of thinking she’ll be in the garden getting her head…
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Author selfie. I am a strong, independent woman.
Nothing like a good 4 month lay-off from racing to get you psyched for a touch of training. Especially when in your first race back you get spanked. I’ve joined a new club – Dundee Hawkhill Harriers who seem at…
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